Name: Paul Walker (Paul Walker)
Birthday: September 12, 1973
Place of birth: glendale, california, usa
Date of death: November 30, 2013 (40 years old)
Paul Walker is a famous American actor, model, founder of the Reach Out World Wide charity. He became known for his role as a true-policeman Brian O’Conner from the Fast and the Furious series.
Paul William Walker IV was born on September 12, 1973 in Glendale, Southern California. His father, Paul Walker III, worked in the construction industry – was a sewer contractor. In the past, he was engaged in boxing, became the two-time champion of the Golden Gloves. After leaving the big sport, Walker Sr. became interested in weapons and in 1979 won the world championship in high-speed shooting.
Grandfather Paula was also a boxer, performed in the ring under the nickname “Billy the Irish.” And one of the actor’s paternal relatives in the 60s was a race car driver who represented Ford products. Mother, Cheryl Crabtree Walker, was a model in her youth, and after marriage she began to do housework and raising children. Paul was the first-born, later he had two younger brothers – Caleb (born in 1977) and Cody (born in 1988), and two sisters: Ashley (born in 1976) and Amy (born in 1986). ) The whole family professed the religion of Mormonism.
When Paul was a year and a half old, he was filmed in an ad for Pampers diapers. Almost from infancy, he was immersed in the advertising and modeling business. Cheryl, who in her youth failed to realize her dream, tried to realize it at the expense of her son. She constantly drove him to auditions, and Paul Walker Sr. supported her in this. It seemed funny to both of them to see their son on the podium.
In 1985, Paul starred in the TV series Young and the Bold, Road to Heaven and Who is the Boss? His debut in the big movie took place in 1986 in the comedy horror film “The Beast in the closet.” The film was played by the famous actor John Carradine, the role of Lucy was performed by the future vocalist of The Black Eyed Peas
In 1991, Walker graduated from the Sun Valley Rural Christian School. After he studied marine biology at several colleges, surfed and led a rather carefree lifestyle. Already then friends called him “Tramp”, because he did not stay anywhere for long. At the same time, the young man continued to build an acting career. He felt obligated to succeed in the cinema, because because of the constant ridicule of his brothers, he believed that he did not shine in another profession.
In 1992-1993, he starred in the role of Brandon Collins in the series Young and Restless, dedicated to confronting poor and wealthy families in a fictional version of the city of Genoa, Wisconsin. This project was one of the longest-lived on American television, the first episodes aired back in 1973.
In 1998, Paul appeared in the comedy Meet the Didles as Phil Didle, one of the twin brothers living on the handouts of a wealthy single father. The brothers had to fight the villain Slater, played by Dennis Hopper , and his henchman Mr. Nemo, played by Robert Inglund. After this film, Walker first became known to a wide audience.
But much more interesting was the picture Pleasantville, where the main roles were played by Toby Maguire and Reese Witherspoon . In the story, their heroes fell into the world of the television series “Pleasantville” – a cozy town of the 50s, where everyone seems happy, but in fact they suffer from boredom and hypocrisy. Walker played Skip Martin, a handsome schoolboy who had an affair with the heroine Witherspoon.
Paul Walker gained world fame after filming in the summer blockbuster Forsage (2001). The actor recalled: “When Universal decided to postpone the premiere for the summer, I thought the film would fail. But everything turned out differently. It exploded like a bomb. Producer Neil Moritz called me and shouted: “This is a cultural phenomenon!”
Walker played Brian O’Conner, an undercover cop who infiltrated a gang organizing illegal street races. Gradually, he was filled with sympathy for gang leader Dominique Toretto, played by Vin Diesel . Paul made friends with Vin Diesel in real life. When a daughter was born to Diesel in 2008, he named her Pauline in honor of his friend.
In 2003, Paul Walker starred in the second part of the franchise, “Fast and the Furious.” Not having achieved a fee of $ 20 million, Vin Diesel temporarily left the project to star in the Chronicles of Riddick. For Walker, it was a great chance to become a franchise leader.
In his student years, Paul hated Keanu Reeves and Christian Slater , because “all the girls were in love with them.” He did not consider himself a romantic, because his hobbies were fishing, shooting, martial arts and car racing, and the girls, in his opinion, did not like such guys.
The actor had many novels with beautiful and popular women. In 1993, he met actress Denise Richards . They starred together in the comedy Tammy and T-Rex (1994).
In 1998, the actor met Rebecca McBrain. This relationship did not last long, but the result was the birth of the daughter Meadow Rhine. Paul Walker was present at the birth. The godfather of the girl was Vin Diesel. Meadow spent her childhood in Hawaii, and in 2011 she moved to her father in Santa Barbara.
Rebecca left Walker in 1999 because he never married her, did not give her due attention, preferring to spend time with friends. The next woman in his life was singer Christina Millian. This relationship also lasted only a year, from 1999 to 2000. Walker threw Millian for model and actress Jamie King. But Jamie did not manage to win his heart for a long time. Soon Paul went to Bliss Ellis. This novel continued until 2003, when the actor began a relationship with the model Aubriana Atwell.
In 2004-2005, Walker met with Amanda Page. In 2006, began the longest relationship in his life – with a student Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell. They met until the death of the actor in 2013. In 2009, rumors arose that Jasmine and Paul exchanged wedding rings, but the actor himself denied this information.
November 30, 2013 Paul Walker came to visit his mother with her daughter Meadow, they discussed plans for Christmas, planned to buy a Christmas tree. After that, the actor went to Santa Clarita, to open a car dealership, created together with Reach Out WorldWide to support residents of the Philippines affected by the typhoon. At the dealership, Paul Walker took a picture with a fan, looked happy and full of energy.
Back the actor was driving a two-seater Porsche Garrera GT, his friend Roger Rodas was driving. Roger lost control and the car crashed into a concrete lamppost and two trees at a speed of 130-150 km / h. The car caught fire, Rodas died from multiple injuries, and Walker from the combined effects of injuries and burns. According to the investigation, no trace of alcohol or drugs was found in the blood of Walker and Rodas. Paul’s broken bones, including his jaw, ribs, arms, and pelvis.
His heartbroken father called his son “reckless.” According to him, Walker always neglected security measures, during the filming he himself performed all the tricks, even those that did not dare to perform professional stuntmen. Universal Pictures Studio suspended the production of the movie “Fast and the Furious 7” out of respect for the grief of the actor’s relatives. To honor him, the studio included in the soundtrack of the film a song by Wise Khalifa and Charlie Put “See you again”. The picture was released in 2015.
The directors were helped by the brothers Paul, Cody, and Caleb. Especially Cody – he is very similar to his older brother, despite the 15-year age difference. With the help of computer graphics, his face was corrected, and the audience did not see the difference.