Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert’s story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his “rich dad” — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you. rich dad poor dad
Rich Dad Poor Dad
This book rich dad poor dad has changed the worldview of more than one person on the planet. After all, the idea of money for many citizens is rather stereotyped and outdated. Therefore, such people live all their lives working on their “liabilities”, that is, cars, apartments and houses, without getting out of debt and loans. Robert Kiyosaki himself achieved significant heights in his life and now decided to explain in rich dad poor dad to others how to become a wealthy person. The main idea that the author for rich dad poor dad is trying to convey is that money works by its own rules and you need to know how to handle it correctly. The writer divides people into two categories: the poor and the rich, their difference lies in the availability of assets, that is, income that does not require much effort. It is very informative how the author explains in rich dad poor dad the behavior and thinking of the rich with examples from real life. If you want to know how to handle money properly rich dad poor dad ,
Details of book
The work of Robert Kiyosaki in rich dad poor dad contains a practical instruction for action. The book rich dad poor dad was written for those interested in the world of finance, looking for any opportunity to educate themselves in this area, to competently apply knowledge. The author of the book, rich dad poor dad a successful business man, released this manual for a wide audience, with the aim of helping to properly develop the potential of children, give them effective advice, teach them how to manage finances and increase them. The ability to read Rich Dad, Poor Dad online is especially useful for busy people and allows them to expand their knowledge. in rich dad poor dad