
Celebrities with Interesting Hobbies 

Michaela Bobulinski

 August 2, 2021

Wouldn’t it be cool to be a celebrity? Living the high life, going to endless parties and movie premieres? It all sounds great in theory, but plenty of celebrities talk about the way that fame takes its toll.

Even celebrities need to take a break from the rat race sometimes, and many celebrities have hobbies that let them relax and unwind. Some of these hobbies may even surprise you! From knitting to scuba diving, to taking a seat at the poker table, we’ve uncovered some of the most exciting hobbies of celebrities below.

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon: Poker

These best friends are also card sharks – Ben Affleck and Matt Damon certainly know their way around a poker table. Affleck’s interest in poker seems purely recreational – however, that doesn’t mean that you should relax if you find him at the table. According to Global Poker, “Affleck is one of the few celebrities who has a State Poker Championship win to his name, which he won in 2004. To date, this is his most significant and only disclosed poker championship win.” However, rumor has it that Affleck has won more than one million dollars in poker tournaments.

Matt Damon’s poker roots are more professional – he starred in one of the best poker moves ever, Rounders. Damon learned to play poker while preparing for the part, and rumors say he lost almost $25,000 while learning to play. According to Global Poker, both celebrities have played in the infamous celebrity poker game ‘Molly’s Game’.

Julia Roberts: Knitting

Julia Roberts is known for more than just her fantastic acting chops – did you know that she’s a prolific knitter? Roberts’ creations span far and wide, from sweaters to hats and scarves. She’s also something of a trendsetter – according to KnitCrate, she loves knitting so much that she even inspired Tom Hanks to learn, too!

Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio: Pottery

Brad Pitt’s fascination with pottery began in 2017. A lifelong art collector, Pitt never actually considered picking up the clay himself until his personal life began to unravel. According to ArtNet, Pitt “camped out at [artist] Thomas Houseago’s LA studio for a couple of months in 2017, spending as much as 15 hours a day learning to work with clay, plaster, rebar, [and] wood.” The experience inspired Pitt to create his home sculpting studio, and this is where Pitt and DiCaprio solidified their friendship. Just like Pitt, DiCaprio had long been an art collector, but it wasn’t until he set foot in Pitt’s studio that he allowed the creative energy to take over. For Pitt, the experience has been electric: “I’m having a moment of getting to feel emotion at my fingertips. But to get that emotion to clay – I just haven’t cracked the surface. And I don’t know what’s coming. Right now I know that the manual labor is good for me, getting to know the expansiveness and limitations of the materials. I’ve got to start from the bottom… you know?”

Viggo Mortensen, Kaley Cuoco, and Morgan Freeman: Horseback Riding

Viggo Mortensen has starred in some of the biggest blockbuster hits of the 2000s (The Lord of the Rings and Hidalgo, to name a couple), but it’s his relationship with his furry costars that truly stands the test of time. In the two movies we’ve mentioned above, Mortensen became so attached to the horses he worked with that he decided to adopt them – he owns three horses today.

The Big Bang Theory‘s Kaley Cuoco shares this passion. A lifelong equestrian, Cuoco returned to the saddle when she put her acting career on the backburner. She’s been very successful in the show ring and is even married to a Grand Prix rider.

For Morgan Freeman, horses are an essential hobby. After riding horses as a child, he realized how important they were to keep his stress levels under control as a busy Hollywood actor. According to Horsey Hooves, Freeman now owns a 124-acre ranch and seven horses.

Mila Kunis: World of Warcraft

Mila Kunis’ favorite hobby was once so all-consuming that she had to stop. According to The Things, Kunis played so much World of Warcraft with ex-boyfriend McCauley Caulkin that she had to stop. Why did she love the game so much? Kunis felt like when she played the game, she was just a regular person – not someone famous. Rumors say that Kunis still goes raiding on occasion, so avid gamers, keep an eye out!

Jessica Alba and Sandra Bullock: Scuba Diving

Both of these celebrities are fans of the big blue – but for very different reasons. According to Sport Diver, Jessica Alba has long had a fascination with the ocean. She’s dived throughout her life and is an enthusiastic freediver – she used those skills in the movie Into the Blue. However, Sandra Bullock came to scuba diving in an entirely different way. Bullock, unable to swim, decided to learn how to dive to conquer her fear of being underwater. While she may not be an avid scuba diver now, she certainly credits learning the skill to helping her feel more comfortable underwater.

Nick Offerman: Woodworking

Nick Offerman is closer to a real-life Ron Swanson than you’d think – he and the character both share a love of woodworking. Offerman keeps his own woodshop. According to Offerman Woodshop, “Nick was taught to swing a hammer and countless other tools by his Dad, his grandfathers and his Uncles Dan and Don of Roberts Brothers Farms. In theatre school at the University of Illinois, he used these skills to begin working in the scene shop under the tutelage of Kenny Egan. This paid off handsomely when Nick began his professional theatre career in Chicago, as he offset his meager acting income with building scenery and props for large equity theaters.” Offerman has continued to build scenery and decks, cabins, boats, and many other things, alongside his acting career.

From poker and horseback riding to knitting and woodwork, celebrities have some interesting hobbies. However, the most important part of a hobby isn’t the hobby itself, but how it makes you feel. Do you have any hobbies that help you relax? Let us know in the comments below!

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